Wednesday 14 October 2015


Pancakes are amazing. I could go on for ages about how great pancakes are, or I could just give you the recipe for them so that you can get to eating faster! 

For this recipe I recommend using a small ceramic pan. You don't need an expensive one, Target, Kmart and Aldi all stock very good quality ones, they may not last you quite as long, but other than that I can't fault them. After purchasing one, make sure you google the instructions on how to take care of them, it's not difficult, it's just slightly different to how you use other pans. 

Now to the pancakes....

These ones are not the thin crepe style, they are thicker, similar to the pancake parlour pancakes.

Are you ready for the recipe?

Here are the ingredients: 

Self raising flour
That's it! 


Heat your pan on medium heat.
Dump some self raising flour into a large bowl. Slowly add water as you whisk, until if forms a thick batter, slightly more watery than a cake mix. 

Ladle some mix into the pan, after the edges start to dry up and see bubbles you can flip it over, give it another 30 second or so and your done! 

It's so simple! 


Monday 23 February 2015

"Coming Soon"

That is what it says on my very own brand new website!

I am so excited - it is actually happening!

I have dreamed of having my own website for years. What exactly this website would consist of, well, I wasn't quite sure, but I just knew that I wanted something that connected people, had a vegan theme and somehow made the world a better, more interesting place. Simple, right? Well, whilst I was busy pondering over what I would turn my website into, my little blog that could, the one that I started just for my own enjoyment, rather than views, kept growing! So my idea was born...

An interactive vegan blog. It's where you get to blog, as many times as you wish! You can have your own blog, or contribute to the existing ones. Share your story, your recipe, anything you wish!

I hope for it to be a place that people go to for inspiration.

And, of course, a little shop! Vegan, cruelty free cosmetics, starting with lipsticks.

I am very excited about my website, which I hope becomes a thriving community, and I hope you can get excited too!

Would you like to be amongst the first bloggers on my website? Do you have an idea for a blog? Please share your ideas with me,

Saturday 3 January 2015

Golden Gaytime Icecream

This is neither additive free, nor is it healthy, but it is really, really good! 

Remember Golden Gaytime ice creams? They were my favourite, until I became vegetarian (they contain gelatine), so as you can imagine, I haven't had them for a while, I think about ten years. 

Recently, though, at a vegan dinner party, our host served a dessert, that accidentally tasted like Golden Gaytime, and I was hooked! Michael and Kat have an amazing way of throwing food together and it coming out amazing, so this is my version of their wonderful dessert.

Ingredients: keep in mind that these are estimates, and using the exact amounts doesn't really matter.
2 Tbsp butter (Nuttlex)
2-3 Tbsp maple syrup
Half a packet of  Nice biscuits, crushed into crumbs
Half a tub of So Good vanilla ice cream

Melt the butter in a saucepan on low heat, add the maple syrup and stir.
Turn off the heat and add the crumbs, stir well.
Spoon the crumbs over scoops of ice cream and enjoy!
