Tuesday 2 December 2014

Organic foods and Fruit Wellbeing

I believe that buying organic fruit and vegetables is so important for a number of reasons, your health being the first and most important.

When you get down to the brass tax of things, pesticides ARE sprayed onto the foods that we are ingesting. Nobody can dispute that, despite your standing on organic foods.

So what are pesticides designed to do? Of course, they are designed to kill insects, so why are we ingesting this poison?

The very food that is supposed to give us life is covered in a substance that is purposefully designed to do the opposite. 

Pay the farmer now, or the doctor later. 

Have you ever heard this saying? It should really say "organic farmer", but you get the point.

To save money on our organic produce I follow the dirty dozen/clean fifteen rule, where produce that uses very little pesticides can be purchased conventionally, and produce that requires higher amounts of pesticides I always purchase organic. *Buy corn organically, to avoid GMOs. **Buy organic tomatoes, to avoid bland tomatoes.

Washing your food will only get you so far, the pesticides are designed to withstand rain, and when sprayed numerous times on a growing organism, it must be within the fruit too. 

And don't get me started on GMOs! They don't even need to be sprayed! Why? Because the pesticide has been genetically grown within the food! No thanks.

You can learn more about GMOs by clicking here, or here, or even here.

Aldi have a large range of well priced, organic foods, including pasta, soy milk, pasta sauce, tomato paste, muesli and baby food. Unfortunately they don't have any fresh produce. 

We have been eating organic fruit and veg for a few years now, and the hardest part is sourcing good quality produce at a reasonable price. This is where Lachlan and Fruit Wellbeing come in. 

I recently discovered Fruit Wellbeing- an organic fruit and veg delivery company and haven't looked back! They stand ahead of anyone else in the game, for quality, price, and service. 

Your first order is 5% off and if you order more than $100, your delivery is free. Lachlan also offers a variety of fruit and veg boxes that he will deliver to you free of charge. 

Delivery is only on market days (Monday and Thursday), so the produce is guaranteed to be straight from the market- what is purchased that morning is on your doorstep that afternoon- you just can't get fresher! 

I can't recommend Fruit Wellbeing enough, I hope that you get the chance to enjoy fresh and delicious produce, the way its designed to be! 

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